Intro to Robots and Robotics for Kids | Learn Robotics Programming
JumpStart GizmoBot is the ideal beginner level program for children 8 years and above. Robotics
Programming Course From Scratch is an ideal approach to educate the children about robotics and
how they work. The course packs a punch combining the digital learning technologies with hands-on
learning with ‘made in India’ robotic kit that is designed keeping children in mind. The Programming
modules are taught using Scratch, the most child-friendly platform.
Robotics as a field has seen tremendous amount of applications around us in the recent times, in
households and industries. Through this course, your child will receive access to an exclusive
GizmoBot robot kit, which is designed and developed by a leading manufacturer in India. The online
modules are specially designed to fuel young minds by teaching them to build robots and learn
robotics online by introducing them to the components of a robot, with a special focus around the
sensor technologies. The course also takes them one step ahead by introducing concepts of block-
based programming, which will help them learn to build a functional robot.
Ultimately, this comprehensive Robotics Programming Course From Scratch provides real-world
knowledge of how robotics are being used in our day-to-day lives and by the end of this course, your
child will have built a robot and programmed it to perform certain actions.