Online Electronics Courses for Kids
In a digital world, electronics are the foundational skills that pave the way for a better understanding
of computing and robotics projects. Electronics enthusiast and teacher Oyvind Nydal Dahl quips in
one of his articles Kids are naturally curious about how things work, and with a new trend in
hardware companies creating open-source hardware products, it’s a great time to teach kids about
electronics. But modern technology can seem too complex to even begin to understand. So where
do you start?
Look no further. Modo brings to you a unique course Electronics for Kids that introduces concepts of
electronics and most importantly circuitry through kid-friendly video lessons. In addition to the
lesson, the course comes to life with a simulator applet for live circuit projects.
According to Kiddle, “Electronics is the study and use of electrical parts and circuits. These
“electronic components" control electricity for useful purposes."